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A Reality Check on Virtual Reality: Aura Solution Company Limited

In 2024, the global VR headset market has garnered unprecedented attention. While the buzz surrounding new technology is not unusual, the question remains: Does VR technology offer new opportunities for investors? This article delves into the potential applications, current challenges, and what this means for investors.

Key Takeaways
  • Challenges to Mainstream Adoption: Physical discomfort, technical limitations, and lack of significant added value for the end consumer are currently hindering VR technology from becoming a mainstream product.

  • Comparison with Smartphones: The VR market, unlike the smartphone market, has not yet experienced a technological breakthrough, highlighting its current weaknesses.

  • Investment Outlook: At present, the VR headset market is not deemed investable but is considered a potential growth opportunity for the future.

Understanding Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment experienced through headsets, providing an immersive 3D experience. These headsets are typically self-contained, offering a wide range of applications across various sectors.

Investing in Virtual Reality: Key Areas of Application

As virtual reality (VR) technology evolves, it is transforming various industries by offering new ways to engage, educate, and entertain. The diverse applications of VR present significant opportunities for investors. This article by Aura Solution Company Limited explores the key areas where VR is making an impact and what this means for investment prospects.

1. Entertainment

The gaming sector is at the forefront of VR adoption. VR offers immersive experiences that traditional gaming cannot match. The ability to fully immerse oneself in a game environment is a significant draw for gamers, driving demand for VR headsets and content.

Investment Potential

Investors can look into companies developing VR games, platforms, and hardware. The gaming industry's robust growth trajectory suggests substantial returns as VR becomes more mainstream. Major gaming companies and innovative startups are both potential investment opportunities.

Film and Sports

VR is also making inroads into the film and sports industries. VR films and experiences allow viewers to feel like part of the story, while in sports, VR can provide immersive viewing experiences of live events.

Investment Potential

Investing in VR content creation companies and platforms that distribute VR films and sports content can be lucrative. Partnerships between VR technology firms and major entertainment companies could also be profitable.

2. Healthcare
Training and Education

VR is revolutionizing medical training by providing realistic simulations for students and professionals. These simulations offer hands-on practice without the risks associated with real-life procedures.

Therapeutic Applications

VR is used therapeutically to help patients manage pain, anxiety, and PTSD. It also plays a role in physical rehabilitation, offering interactive exercises that can be monitored and adjusted in real-time.

Surgical Applications

VR aids in preoperative planning and training. Surgeons can practice complex procedures in a virtual environment, improving outcomes and reducing costs.

Investment Potential

Investors should consider companies developing VR training modules, therapeutic applications, and surgical planning tools. The healthcare sector's steady growth and increasing reliance on technology make it a promising area for VR investment.

3. Product Design
Prototyping and Development

VR allows engineers and designers to create and manipulate 3D models of products before physical prototypes are made. This capability reduces costs and accelerates the development process.


VR facilitates remote collaboration among design teams, enabling real-time feedback and adjustments, which enhances productivity and innovation.

Investment Potential

Investing in VR software companies that specialize in design and prototyping tools can yield significant returns. Additionally, firms that provide VR collaboration platforms are positioned to benefit as remote work trends continue to grow.

4. Education
Interactive Learning

VR transforms education by creating immersive and interactive learning environments. Students can explore virtual worlds, conduct experiments, and participate in simulations that enhance understanding and retention.

Gamified Lessons

Educational content can be gamified to make learning more engaging and fun, leading to improved outcomes.

Virtual Field Trips

VR allows students to take virtual field trips to historical sites, museums, and even outer space, providing experiences that would be impossible or impractical in real life.

Investment Potential

Companies developing VR educational content and platforms are attractive investment targets. As educational institutions increasingly adopt technology, the demand for innovative learning tools is expected to rise.

5. Retail
Virtual Showrooms

VR enables retailers to create interactive showrooms where customers can explore products from various angles and configurations. This enhances the shopping experience and can lead to higher conversion rates.

Improved Customer Interaction

VR can provide personalized shopping experiences, helping retailers stand out in a competitive market. Customers can visualize products in their own homes using VR, making purchase decisions easier.

Investment Potential

Investing in VR retail solutions, including software and platforms that create virtual showrooms, presents significant opportunities. Retailers adopting VR technology can offer differentiated experiences, potentially increasing market share and profitability.

6. Real Estate
Virtual Property Tours

VR allows potential buyers to tour properties as if they were physically present. This capability is especially valuable for remote buyers and can speed up the decision-making process.

Enhanced Marketing

Real estate firms can use VR to create compelling marketing materials, showcasing properties in a more immersive and detailed manner.

Investment Potential

Investors should consider companies that provide VR solutions for real estate, including virtual tour software and VR marketing tools. As the real estate industry becomes more tech-savvy, these solutions are likely to see increased adoption.


The diverse applications of VR across entertainment, healthcare, product design, education, retail, and real estate present substantial investment opportunities. While the technology is still maturing, the potential for growth in these sectors is significant. By strategically investing in companies at the forefront of VR innovation, investors can position themselves to benefit from the transformative impact of VR technology. Aura Solution Company Limited remains committed to guiding investors through the evolving landscape of VR investments, providing insights and solutions to maximize returns in this promising field.

Why Are VR Headsets Not Yet Mainstream?
Physical Discomfort and Technical Limits

The high price of VR headsets aside, two major obstacles prevent mainstream adoption: physical discomfort and technical limitations. The discomfort primarily stems from the weight of the device. Packing all necessary technology into a lightweight, head-mounted unit is a significant challenge that has not yet been fully overcome. Additionally, some users, particularly women, report dizziness and nausea due to the lag between head movements and the display.

Technical Issues

VR headsets face several technical issues, including short battery life, insufficient display resolution, and inadequate input methods. Most headsets require recharging after only 1.5 hours of use, and even the most advanced displays with 4K resolution per eye do not yet offer a fully realistic experience, which requires 8K resolution per eye. Furthermore, hand movement recognition and voice input functionalities are still limited, posing privacy concerns and usability issues.

VR Headsets vs. Smartphones

Comparing the VR headset market to the smartphone market reveals significant differences. Unlike smartphones, which saw rapid and widespread adoption following their introduction, VR headsets remain a niche market despite constant sales growth. For VR to achieve high distribution, it must develop a robust ecosystem of applications and functionalities that offer substantial value to consumers, akin to smartphones.

Future Enablers: 5G and Cloud Computing in VR Investment

Virtual reality (VR) technology, despite its promising applications, faces significant barriers to becoming a mainstream product. Key challenges include physical discomfort, technical limitations, and the absence of a compelling value proposition for the average consumer. However, emerging technologies such as 5G and cloud computing could potentially overcome many of these hurdles. This article, presented by Aura Solution Company Limited, explores how these advancements can enable VR's growth and what this means for investors.

Enhanced Connectivity and Speed

5G technology, the latest iteration of mobile network connectivity, promises vastly improved internet speeds, reduced latency, and greater reliability compared to its predecessors. This enhanced connectivity is crucial for VR applications, which demand real-time data processing and transmission to ensure a seamless user experience.

Impact on VR Performance

The high-speed, low-latency nature of 5G can mitigate many of the current technical issues plaguing VR headsets. For instance:

  • Reduced Latency: Faster data transmission reduces the delay between a user’s movements and the corresponding display updates, alleviating motion sickness and enhancing immersion.

  • Stable Connections: Reliable connectivity is essential for cloud-based VR applications, ensuring that users experience uninterrupted sessions without lag or disconnections.

Cloud Computing: Lightening the Load
Offloading Processing Tasks

Cloud computing allows VR headsets to offload data processing tasks to remote servers. This shift significantly reduces the computational load on the headset itself, enabling:

  • Lighter Devices: By relying on cloud servers for processing, VR headsets can be designed to be lighter and more comfortable, addressing one of the primary physical discomfort issues.

  • Extended Battery Life: With reduced on-device processing, power consumption decreases, resulting in longer battery life and more extended usage periods.

Scalability and Flexibility

Cloud computing provides scalable resources that can adapt to varying levels of demand, making it easier to roll out new features and updates without requiring significant hardware upgrades. This flexibility is vital for the continuous improvement and expansion of VR applications.

Investment Implications
Current Market Challenges

Despite the technological advancements and potential applications of VR, the market is still in its nascent stages. The key factors contributing to the current investment landscape include:

  • Limited Market Size: The VR market remains relatively small compared to other technology sectors, limiting immediate investment opportunities.

  • High-Risk Profile: Most VR-related companies are either large technology firms with diversified portfolios or small, privately-owned startups with high-risk profiles.

Future Growth Potential

However, the integration of 5G and cloud computing holds promise for the future expansion of the VR market:

  • Improved User Experience: Enhanced connectivity and processing capabilities can address many of the current barriers to adoption, potentially leading to a broader user base.

  • Increased Application Development: With better infrastructure, developers may be more inclined to create innovative VR applications, further driving market growth.

Strategic Investment Approach

Given the current state of the VR market, a strategic and cautious investment approach is recommended:

  • Focus on Enablers: Investing in companies developing 5G and cloud computing technologies may offer a more stable entry point into the VR market. These technologies are crucial for VR's growth and have broader applications beyond VR.

  • Long-Term Perspective: Investors should adopt a long-term perspective, recognizing that significant returns on VR investments may take several years to materialize as the technology matures and adoption increases.


The future of VR technology hinges on the successful integration of 5G and cloud computing. These advancements have the potential to overcome current limitations, enhance user experiences, and drive market growth. However, the VR market's investment landscape remains challenging due to its infancy and high-risk profile. By focusing on enabling technologies and adopting a long-term investment strategy, investors can position themselves to capitalize on VR's future potential.

Aura Solution Company Limited remains committed to providing the tools, advice, and solutions necessary for successful investment. While the VR market holds promise, a cautious and strategic approach will be essential to navigate its complexities and realize its potential benefits.

About Aura Solution Company Limited

Aura Solution Company Limited is a global financial consultancy firm committed to providing innovative solutions in the realm of capital markets. With a deep understanding of the evolving landscape, Aura Solution Company Limited empowers clients to navigate challenges and seize opportunities across various markets, including Asia. Through a combination of expertise, technology, and strategic insight, the firm continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of global finance. Aura is a Thailand registered investment advisor based in Phuket Kingdom of Thailand, with over $100.15 trillion in assets under management.

Aura Solution Company Limited is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. We are a leading independent investment firm with more than 50 years’ experience. As long-term investors, we aim to direct capital to the real economy in a manner that improves the state of the planet. We do this by building responsible partnerships with our clients and the companies in which we invest. Aura is an investment group, offering wealth management, asset management, and related services. We do not engage in investment banking, nor do we extend commercial loans.

What does "AURA" stand for?

Aura Solution Company Limited

How big is Aura?

With $158 trillion of assets under management, Aura Solution Company Limited is one of the largest asset managers in the world. The company primarily generates revenue through investment services, including asset and issuer servicing, treasury services, clearance and collateral management, and asset and wealth management.

What does Aura do?

Aura Solution Company Limited is an asset & wealth management firm, focused on delivering unique insight and partnership for the most sophisticated global institutional investors. Our investment process is driven by a tireless pursuit to understand how the world’s markets and economies work — using cutting-edge technology to validate and execute on timeless and universal investment principles. Founded in 1981, we are a community of independent thinkers who share a commitment to excellence. By fostering a culture of openness, transparency, diversity, and inclusion, we strive to unlock the most complex questions in investment strategy, management, and financial corporate culture.

Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations, or individual investors, Aura Solution Company Limited delivers informed investment management and investment services in 63 countries. It is the largest provider of mutual funds and the largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world. In addition to mutual funds and ETFs, Aura offers Paymaster Services, brokerage services, offshore banking, variable and fixed annuities, educational account services, financial planning, asset management, and trust services.

Aura Solution Company Limited can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, manage, service, distribute, or restructure investments. Aura is the corporate brand of Aura Solution Company Limited.

Aura Services

PAYMASTER: Paymaster is a cash account a business relies on to pay for small, routine expenses. Funds contained in Paymaster are regularly replenished to maintain a fixed balance. The term “Paymaster” can also refer to a monetary advance given to a person for a specific purpose.

OFFSHORE BANKING: A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. Banks may also provide financial services such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes.

CASH FUND RECEIVER: Wire transfer, bank transfer, or credit transfer, is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or entity to another.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: Emerging Asia's stocks and bonds have experienced a lost decade. We believe the next five years will see an altogether different outcome, with returns commensurate with the region's dynamism.

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