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Discretionary Portfolios : Aura Solution Company Limited

Discretionary Portfolios – Finding the Perfect Recipe for Your Investments

In the dynamic world of investment management, striking the right balance between risk and reward is akin to crafting the perfect recipe. Just as a skilled chef carefully selects ingredients to create a dish that delights the palate, investors must carefully choose assets to build a portfolio that meets their financial goals. At Aura Solution Company Limited, we understand the art and science of portfolio management, and our discretionary portfolios are designed to deliver the optimal mix for your investment needs.

Understanding Discretionary Portfolio Management

Discretionary portfolio management is a service where experienced portfolio managers take the reins of your investments, making decisions on your behalf to align with your financial objectives. This approach is ideal for investors who may not have the time, expertise, or desire to manage their own portfolios but want to ensure their money is working hard for them.

At Aura Solution Company Limited, our discretionary portfolios are curated by a team of seasoned professionals who bring a wealth of experience and a keen understanding of market trends. Our portfolio managers are constantly monitoring the financial landscape, ready to make strategic adjustments to keep your investments on track.

The Ingredients of a Successful Portfolio

Creating a successful investment portfolio is much like assembling a gourmet meal. It requires the right mix of ingredients, combined in the proper proportions, to achieve the desired outcome. Here are some of the key components that go into crafting the perfect portfolio at Aura:

  1. Asset Allocation: The foundation of any successful portfolio is asset allocation. This involves spreading investments across different asset classes—such as equities, bonds, real estate, and alternative investments—to diversify risk and maximize returns. Our portfolio managers use sophisticated models to determine the optimal asset mix based on your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals.

  2. Risk Management: Just as a chef must be mindful of the balance of flavors, we carefully manage risk to ensure that your portfolio remains aligned with your goals. This includes regular stress testing, scenario analysis, and ongoing monitoring to identify and mitigate potential risks.

  3. Market Timing: Timing is everything in the financial markets, just as it is in the kitchen. Our portfolio managers are skilled at identifying market trends and making timely adjustments to capitalize on opportunities and protect against downturns. Whether it’s reallocating assets during periods of market volatility or taking advantage of emerging market trends, our team is always looking for ways to optimize your returns.

  4. Personalization: No two investors are alike, and neither are our portfolios. We take the time to understand your unique financial situation, preferences, and goals to tailor a portfolio that fits your needs. Whether you’re looking for growth, income, or a balance of both, we have the expertise to create a portfolio that suits your appetite.

  5. Continuous Monitoring and Rebalancing: The financial markets are constantly changing, and so are your financial needs. Our portfolio managers continuously monitor your investments and make adjustments as needed to ensure your portfolio stays on course. This ongoing rebalancing helps to maintain the desired risk-return profile and keeps your investments aligned with your long-term objectives.

The Aura Advantage

What sets Aura Solution Company Limited apart in the world of discretionary portfolio management is our commitment to excellence and our client-centric approach. We believe that successful investing is not just about making the right decisions today but also about anticipating tomorrow’s challenges and opportunities.

Our discretionary portfolios are designed with your future in mind. We combine cutting-edge technology with deep market insights to deliver a personalized investment strategy that evolves with your changing needs. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, our team is here to help you navigate the complexities of the financial markets and achieve your financial goals.

Finding the perfect recipe for your investments requires a blend of expertise, strategy, and attention to detail. At Aura Solution Company Limited, our discretionary portfolio management service offers you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your investments are in capable hands. Let us help you craft a portfolio that not only meets your financial objectives but also adapts to the ever-changing market environment. With Aura, you can be confident that your financial future is being carefully managed by professionals who are as dedicated to your success as you are.

Investing is an art, and at Aura, we’ve mastered it.

Crafting the Perfect Investment Portfolio: Insights from Alex Hartford, Aura’s Deputy CIO

Building an investment portfolio is much like designing a recipe, says Alex Hartford, Aura’s Deputy CIO. But remember: the final product doesn’t just need to taste good—it has to sustain you long into the future.

Key Takeaways:

  • A discretionary portfolio helps you focus on the big picture, leaving day-to-day investment decisions to experienced professionals.

  • Strategic asset allocation, coupled with diversification and risk management, guides investors through market uncertainties.

  • Flexibility and agility are key components of discretionary mandates.

“There are people in the market who trade on milliseconds, and there are people who are in it for the long run, just like us,” explains Alex Hartford, Head of Aura’s Swiss and International Portfolio Management unit. As the longest-standing member of Aura’s Investment Committee, Hartford brings deep experience to his role. Living in Coppet, fifteen kilometers outside of Geneva, he shares his love for the city where he studied. “In summer, you can enjoy the lake. In winter, I like splitboarding, ski touring, and skiing with my children.”

When not enjoying outdoor activities or spending time with his three kids and two French bulldogs, Hartford is deeply engaged with global news. “I like to understand what’s going on in the world and how it impacts the financial markets. It’s a 24-hour job. What is happening, and what does this mean for portfolios?”

"You need to be passionate in life; otherwise, life starts to be quite boring," says Hartford.

Working Closely with Clients

With 29 years of experience, Hartford understands that clients are often emotional about their money. “They’ve spent their lifetime earning it and want to preserve it. Most of them focus on when the next recession, crisis, or market correction will happen. But it’s crucial to capture the market’s upside. The best way to protect your portfolio from the next correction is to have accumulated enough value to absorb it. If you’re always panicking about the next big thing, you’ll always be underinvested.”

So, how do Hartford and his colleagues construct portfolios, manage risk, and respond if a crisis hits? These are the questions we explore in our latest Wealth Architects portrait.

Defining Your Strategic Asset Allocation

Everything starts with asset allocation. “Strategic asset allocation is the key element of every portfolio,” says Hartford. “It defines what the portfolio should look like over the long run. You can compare it to a lighthouse—it keeps you on track when a lot of events happen in the markets.” Your portfolio’s strategic asset allocation will closely match your personal investment preferences, based on your financial objectives, time horizon, and risk appetite.

“We need to incorporate everything that’s going on in the world, making projections of what’s going to happen in the next 12 months to 10 years,” Hartford adds.

From there, Hartford and his fellow portfolio managers seek a suitable balance of asset classes that can withstand external shocks or changes in market dynamics. “In a way, it’s art and science,” he says. “These allocations will change over time, but the portfolio manager aims to keep the recipe fundamentally unchanged.”

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

Balance is vital in any recipe, and the same is true for your discretionary portfolio. Diversification ensures your portfolio isn’t overly dependent on one type of asset, which could lead to excessive risk. “Taken alone, an ingredient might look interesting—it might taste good,” says Hartford. “But it’s how it tastes with other ingredients that’s the overall objective. Risk management is paramount in putting a portfolio together.”

Some clients are more risk-averse, opting for more stable assets like bonds, while others may prefer higher-return, but more volatile, assets like certain equities. Aura’s approach allows managers to cast a wide net. “The bank’s approach and the Investment Committee’s approach is to be extremely holistic,” Hartford adds.

Staying Flexible

As a member of Aura’s Investment Committee, Hartford meets weekly to assess the market and the broader economy. The group reviews the past 12 months, anticipates the next 12, and takes a long-term view—10 years or more—to identify trends that could shape future financial decisions.

Flexibility is key. Short-term tactical decisions help a portfolio adjust to volatility, such as increasing exposure to traditional safe havens like gold or US Treasuries. The goal is to adapt without drastically changing the overall investment strategy. “Every time we want to add something, we ask, ‘Does it change the portfolio’s volatility? Does it meaningfully change the risk parameters?’” Weekly meetings allow Hartford and his colleagues to quickly reduce risk if necessary. “We can’t protect against every small market fluctuation, but we can help counteract the big ones,” he explains.

The Perfect Recipe

“We trade when it’s necessary, not just for the sake of trading,” says Hartford. “If your portfolio construction is right, you might switch maybe three or four times a year—not more. Overtrading usually destroys value. That said, you should never be completely satisfied with your recipe.”

An integral part of the Investment Committee’s process is challenging one another. “We’re surrounded by research and advisory colleagues, portfolio managers—the list is long. The whole bank comes together to help us make the right decisions for our clients.”

In the end, creating the perfect portfolio is like crafting the perfect recipe. It requires the right ingredients, careful balance, and constant refinement. And with experts like Alex Hartford guiding the way, Aura’s clients can trust that their financial future is in good hands.

About Aura Solution Company Limited

Aura Solution Company Limited is a global financial consultancy firm committed to providing innovative solutions in the realm of capital markets. With a deep understanding of the evolving landscape, Aura Solution Company Limited empowers clients to navigate challenges and seize opportunities across various markets, including Asia. Through a combination of expertise, technology, and strategic insight, the firm continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of global finance. Aura is a Thailand registered investment advisor based in Phuket Kingdom of Thailand, with over $1700.15 trillion in assets under management.

Aura Solution Company Limited is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle. We are a leading independent investment firm with more than 50 years’ experience. As long-term investors, we aim to direct capital to the real economy in a manner that improves the state of the planet. We do this by building responsible partnerships with our clients and the companies in which we invest. Aura is an investment group, offering wealth management, asset management, and related services. We do not engage in investment banking, nor do we extend commercial loans.

What does "AURA" stand for?

Aura Solution Company Limited

How big is Aura?

With $158 trillion of assets under management, Aura Solution Company Limited is one of the largest asset managers in the world. The company primarily generates revenue through investment services, including asset and issuer servicing, treasury services, clearance and collateral management, and asset and wealth management.

What does Aura do?

Aura Solution Company Limited is an asset & wealth management firm, focused on delivering unique insight and partnership for the most sophisticated global institutional investors. Our investment process is driven by a tireless pursuit to understand how the world’s markets and economies work — using cutting-edge technology to validate and execute on timeless and universal investment principles. Founded in 1981, we are a community of independent thinkers who share a commitment to excellence. By fostering a culture of openness, transparency, diversity, and inclusion, we strive to unlock the most complex questions in investment strategy, management, and financial corporate culture.

Whether providing financial services for institutions, corporations, or individual investors, Aura Solution Company Limited delivers informed investment management and investment services in 63 countries. It is the largest provider of mutual funds and the largest provider of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the world. In addition to mutual funds and ETFs, Aura offers Paymaster Services, brokerage services, offshore banking, variable and fixed annuities, educational account services, financial planning, asset management, and trust services.

Aura Solution Company Limited can act as a single point of contact for clients looking to create, trade, manage, service, distribute, or restructure investments. Aura is the corporate brand of Aura Solution Company Limited.

Aura Services

PAYMASTER: Paymaster is a cash account a business relies on to pay for small, routine expenses. Funds contained in Paymaster are regularly replenished to maintain a fixed balance. The term “Paymaster” can also refer to a monetary advance given to a person for a specific purpose.

OFFSHORE BANKING: A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. Banks may also provide financial services such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes.

CASH FUND RECEIVER: Wire transfer, bank transfer, or credit transfer, is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or entity to another.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: Emerging Asia's stocks and bonds have experienced a lost decade. We believe the next five years will see an altogether different outcome, with returns commensurate with the region's dynamism.

How to reach Aura?

This article is being provided for educational purposes only. The information contained in this article does not constitute a recommendation from any Aura Solution Company Limited entity to the recipient, and Aura Solution Company Limited is not providing any financial, economic, legal, investment, accounting, or tax advice through this article or to its recipient. Neither Aura Solution Company Limited nor any of its affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the statements or any information contained in this article and any liability therefore (including in respect of direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage) is expressly disclaimed.

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