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How Durable Is the Economy? : Aura Solution Company Limited

An Update from Our CIOs

As we navigate through a dynamic economic landscape, the question of how durable the global economy truly is has never been more pertinent. At Aura, our Chief Investment Officers (CIOs) have been closely monitoring trends, challenges, and opportunities across various markets, industries, and sectors. This update provides an in-depth look at the current state of the economy and how resilient it is in the face of ongoing disruptions and transformations.

Global Economic Stability: A Complex Picture

The global economy has shown remarkable adaptability in recent years. Despite headwinds from geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and inflationary pressures, it has managed to maintain a level of stability. However, this durability is being continuously tested. Our CIOs emphasize that while certain regions and sectors are thriving, others face significant challenges that could impact long-term growth.

Developed economies, particularly in North America and Europe, have benefited from strong government intervention and monetary policies that have cushioned the impacts of recent crises. However, the sustainability of these policies remains in question as rising debt levels and inflationary risks begin to surface. Emerging markets, on the other hand, have shown resilience through innovation and diversification but remain vulnerable to external shocks.

Key Drivers of Economic Durability

Our CIOs identify several key drivers that will determine the durability of the economy in the coming years:

  1. Technological Innovation: Technology continues to be a critical engine of growth, driving productivity and creating new opportunities across industries. From advancements in AI and automation to the expansion of clean energy solutions, the tech sector's ability to innovate will play a crucial role in sustaining economic growth.

  2. Supply Chain Adaptation: The disruptions caused by the pandemic have highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains. Companies are now focusing on building more resilient, localized supply chains, which may drive regional growth while mitigating the risks of future disruptions.

  3. Sustainability and ESG Investments: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are becoming central to investment strategies. As more businesses and investors prioritize sustainability, economies that embrace green initiatives and social responsibility are likely to experience stronger, more sustainable growth.

  4. Consumer Confidence and Spending: The global economy’s durability is also tied to consumer behavior. Strong consumer demand has been a key driver of recent economic recovery, and maintaining this momentum will be essential. However, inflation and rising costs of living could pose challenges to consumer spending in the long run.

  5. Geopolitical Stability: Geopolitical factors remain a significant influence on global economic durability. Ongoing tensions between major powers, regional conflicts, and trade disputes all pose risks to economic stability. Our CIOs closely monitor these developments and their potential impact on global markets.

Navigating Uncertainty

In the face of uncertainty, flexibility and adaptability are key. Our CIOs emphasize that successful investment strategies will require a nuanced understanding of both short-term challenges and long-term opportunities. This includes staying agile in the face of market volatility while maintaining a focus on the structural trends that will drive future growth.

At Aura, we are committed to guiding our clients through these uncertain times with expert insights and tailored solutions. Our focus remains on helping our clients build resilient portfolios that can weather economic fluctuations while capitalizing on emerging opportunities.

Aura’s Perspective on Economic Durability and Investment Strategy

The current drivers of economic spending and how that spending is being financed indicate that we are in a late-cycle environment that appears unusually durable. The economy continues to progress at a pace that supply can maintain, and any pockets of weakness are less likely to trigger a broader downturn. The nature of spending and its sources suggest that creating sustained downward momentum would require a significant shock or a substantial tightening of monetary policy in response to persistent inflation. Central banks, however, are showing a greater willingness to ease preemptively, even with inflation still above target levels. This is a departure from past cycles, where central banks would have been less inclined to ease under similar conditions.

Navigating Central Bank Policies

The key question is: how does this cycle ultimately end? As growth stabilizes around its potential at current interest rate levels, it becomes increasingly difficult to argue that these rates are unsustainably restrictive. The ongoing easing policies could increase the likelihood of inflation staying above target for an extended period. Although the labor market and industrial base are less tight than at the peak of post-COVID constraints, they remain relatively firm. This, combined with continued spending by households, businesses, and governments, will keep gradual inflationary pressures intact.

Over time, central banks may find it challenging to provide the level of stimulus currently priced into rate markets. The cost of capital may need to rise to levels that adequately compensate for higher fiscal borrowing and durable private-sector demand. Incremental increases in the cost of capital may not significantly slow the economy, leading to further adjustments.

The Potential Impact of AI

One possible release valve could be the deflationary effects of artificial intelligence (AI). In the near term, AI-related spending is inflationary as it builds capacity without immediate productivity payoffs. However, AI's deflationary potential is substantial and could materialize quickly. The impacts may be even larger and faster than those experienced during the globalization and industrial automation shifts of the 1990s and 2000s, which displaced about 10% of the US workforce from manufacturing. These forces contributed to low inflation, rising inequality, increased corporate profits, and significant political and social changes. We believe an even bigger transformation could be ahead of us.

Investment Strategies in a Durable Environment

When we break down market returns, we consider three key factors: the return on cash, the return of assets relative to cash (i.e., risk premiums), and alpha through market timing. Currently, holding cash is relatively attractive and can contribute significantly to return goals. While an environment of easing central bank policies and economic equilibrium usually benefits risk premiums, financial assets today appear only moderately attractive. Previous asset returns have been strong, driven by central bank interventions post-financial crisis and more recently by AI enthusiasm. Much of this optimism is already priced in, so even a slight deviation from expected central bank easing could lead to repricing of future cash flows.

This is where alpha becomes crucial. When risk premiums are compressed, the ability to generate alpha through strategic investments becomes more important. We see an opportunity for alpha because global risk premiums are not declining uniformly, allowing for selective investments that can outperform.

Enhancing Portfolio Resilience

Relative to holding cash, equities are more attractive than bonds. However, concentrating too heavily in stocks comes with risks. While we expect a durable economic expansion, it is already priced in, along with anticipated AI-driven profits. This leaves investors with a smaller risk premium and greater exposure to potential surprises, such as a recession or stickier-than-expected inflation.

Additionally, after a prolonged period of equity outperformance, many portfolios are now more concentrated in equity-like risk and less liquid than ever.

To enhance resilience, we recommend three key strategies:

  1. Diversify to Prepare for Potential Economic Shifts: Add investments that can perform well if the economic cycle turns unfavorably.

  2. Seek Opportunities in Different Economic Cycles: Shift investments to regions with less synchronized economic cycles, such as the large Asian markets, which have independent central banks and distinct economic conditions compared to the US and Europe.

  3. Optimize Equity Risk Premiums: Consider how to earn equity risk premiums more efficiently, including thoughtful security selection and hedging strategies. This approach can help reduce traditional equity vulnerabilities, especially in an environment of low correlations across public stocks and illiquidity in private equity.

The Role of Bonds

Investors had reduced their bond holdings in a period of near-zero interest rates, where bonds could not fulfill their traditional role of diversifying portfolios during an economic downturn. However, bonds are now better positioned to provide that diversification again. While bonds may seem less attractive compared to cash, they offer the option of locking in moderate cash rates and can benefit from central bank easing in case of an economic surprise. Inflation-linked bonds are also a viable option, offering protection against inflation while potentially earning higher returns than nominal bonds.

Opportunities in Asian Markets

We continue to find opportunities in large Asian markets, where central banks operate independently and economic cycles differ from those in the US or Europe. For example, despite poor economic conditions in China, Chinese assets have been performing well. Even with expectations of years of deleveraging and moderate growth in China, the Chinese yield curve is not inverted, equities are relatively cheap, and the incentive to support asset prices remains strong.

By focusing on these diversifying Asian economies, investors can mitigate regulatory, reputational, and geopolitical risks while benefiting from the opportunities these markets present.

At Aura, we believe that adapting to these conditions through careful portfolio management, diversification, and a focus on alpha generation is key to navigating this durable but complex economic environment.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, the durability of the global economy will be shaped by a combination of innovation, policy, and resilience. While challenges remain, there are also vast opportunities for growth and transformation. By staying informed, adaptable, and forward-thinking, Aura continues to be a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of today’s economic landscape.

Our CIOs will continue to provide updates and insights as the global economy evolves. Together, we can build a future that is not only durable but prosperous for all.

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